You’ve just had a baby. What next?

When it comes to your postnatal fitness, I’m going to guess you’ve got 2 main questions / thoughts.
1️⃣ How will I ever have the energy to want to workout again? 🫨
2️⃣ And if I did, what on earth do I do?! 🤯
There’s every chance you’re patiently waiting for your 6 week GP check up to give you the answers but pinning your hopes on that appointment might leave you feeling a bit deflated. In my experience, there isn’t too much guidance on how and why to move your body to help your recovery in that session, so we need to look elsewhere!
One of the best things you can do at this early stage is get a Mummy MOT. This is a session where a women’s physio will give you a full body assessment including a review of your c-section (if you had one), potentially an internal examination of your pelvic floor as well as check for any abdominal separation.
Knowledge is power and knowing where you’re at in your recovery is the best thing you can do to get started with your postnatal fitness journey.

Week One: Early Postnatal Recovery (that can be done pre 6 week check up regardless of your method of delivery)
What does it look like? 🤔
✅ It’s all about re-establishing core connection and engagement.
✅ We do that by focusing on breathing as well as lots of mind-muscle connection.
❌ It won’t be what your workouts have previously looked like and it also won’t be what they always have to look like from here on in.
😊 I know you’ll want to get back to full body workouts that make you feel confident and our safest route back to them is starting here 🙏🏼
And the answer to question number 1? Luckily your early postnatal workouts are all short, mat-based sessions, focusing more on reconnection than working up a sweat so the energy needed is thankfully, minimal 🙏🏼
Try the first week of our 6 week early postnatal recovery programme here.


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