Reach New Heights: 7 progression tips to get the most out of your home workouts

I’m here to tell you, you can get very real mental and physical results with a consistent at-home Barre practice. Let's unlock the secrets to advancing your routines and dialling up the intensity to reach new heights and get you feeling more confident than ever.

1. Perfect your form for better results

Quality over quantity has never been more important than when it comes to your Barre practice. Incredible results lie in mastering the basics and perfecting your posture, alignment, and form before diving into more advanced routines. Building great foundations is the very best thing you can do and that’s exactly why this month’s beginners-focused challenge is the perfect place to start.

2. Find your challenge sweetspot

Barre is an amazing form of fitness because the progression and regression options are endless. If you feel confident with your form and alignment and strong throughout each sequence then it’s time to kick things up a gear. Incorporating gradual progressions will help you keep building your confidence. This could look like adding more reps and staying in the sequences longer, adding weights or increasing the weight level, deepening stretches, or holding positions for longer intervals. 

3. Level up your resistance

You might find working with bodyweight only is the best place to start with your Barre classes. From there you can easily progress by adding light hand weights, resistance bands, or Pilates balls. Adding resistance will challenge your muscles in different ways and enhance your overall routine and strength.

4. Dive deeper into core work

Core strength is the cornerstone of every workout you do. With a stronger core will come stronger, more effective full body workouts. Our approach to core engagement technique completely changed the game for me and I’ve never felt stronger (despite being a recent c-section mama). Taking the time to truly understand the technique will help you progress your workouts - try this workout to unlock your potential. 

5. Prioritise an intentional practice 

Prioritising mind-body connection during your workouts will help you focus on engaging the right muscles, work on the correct movement patterns, and focus on breath control to achieve total body activation. Slow and steady will truly win this race.

6. Track your progress

Use the app to ‘complete’ and tick off the workouts as you go. This will help you see your progress, highlight any times of the week or month you seem to struggle more with consistency, fuel motivation and keep you committed. 

7. Make time to rest

Don’t overlook recovery! Make sure you’re incorporating rest days, stretching, and self-care practices to allow your body to reset and recover between your workouts.

Progressing your Barre practice isn’t just about pushing limits; it’s about consistency, technique, and the joy of seeing your progression. Embrace these tips, experiment, and find what works best for your journey. Here’s to consistency, progression and the incredible results they’ll bring us! ✨


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