Barre Goals: 5 ways you can set yourself up for longevity

You’ve just completed our January challenge and aren’t showing any signs of slowing down - I’m proud of you! We’ve made it through a drizzly January and now it’s time to turn our attention to year-long consistency. Let's chat about the secrets to setting achievable goals and creating milestones that keep you motivated and consistent, all year round - we’re here for a good time, and a long time!

1. Lay the foundation

Begin with a clear vision. What do you want to achieve through your Barre practice? Whether it’s improved flexibility, making more time for mobility to reduce aches and pains, getting stronger, feeling fitter or mastering specific moves, defining your purpose will help you build a workout schedule that’s tailored to your goals. 

2. Embrace the journey and celebrate progress

Set yourself weekly consistency targets or follow along with one of our structured programmes. Acknowledge your progress – whether it’s mastering a challenging sequence, adding more reps or increasing your weights. These celebrations will fuel your motivation and will keep you coming back for more.

3. Track and adapt

Track your progress by ticking off workouts as you complete them on the calendar. Leave a comment under the class to let me know how you found it - maybe you felt super strong that day or maybe you were just happy to survive the session! Leaving little notes on the classes will act as your own personal fitness journal and you can check back to see how you’ve progressed each time you complete a workout.

4. Have a blend of challenge and comfort

Try to find a balance between challenging yourself and staying within your comfort zone. Pushing boundaries will help you progress, but it’s equally important to avoid overwhelming yourself and knocking your confidence. Take advantage of high energy days and challenge yourself when you feel motivated. Listen to your body on lower energy days and opt for mat-based workouts or more stretchy / mobility-focused sessions. The key is to stay consistent during low motivation periods but that doesn’t have to be with intense workouts.

5. Be a part of the community

Share your goals with us on the community board so we can be your own personal cheerleaders, offering you support and encouragement to help you reach your goals! You’ll never know how motivating this is for other members too ❤️

Here's to setting goals, tracking progress, and going on a 2024 Barre journey that’s totally aligned with your goals! ✨


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